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Luigi Pizzolito

Luigi Pizzolito

IoT System - IB G10 Personal Project

March 04, 2019 - Academics - IoT, IB, PP

For my G10 personal project, I decided to take my existing interest of Internet of Things (IoT) devices (recently having built 2 devices) and expand on that by creating not only more devices; but a whole system to easily set them up via a simple scan of a QR code on the back of each device. Each one of these devices were extensively user tested and presented in the report, journal and presentation. In addition to all this, executing everything within the given time limits required superb organisation; which of course means lots of spreadsheets, project management systems and tons of planning.

Planning System

The video below shows a glimpse at the Almighty Spreadsheet, which I used to plan every step of this project:

The Report

You can read a full version of my PP report below:

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